pertanyaan dari Z Riza untuk temannya
- I've read that a couple MUST go to consuling sessions to try to work out their problems before hand. What happens if the husband works out of the country for 8 months at a time?
- Is there a standing amount or range for the amount of child support? Can it be sent directly to the courts so there is a record, the money has been paid?
- What happens when the husbands is away, Can he be represented by an attorney, and continue the divorce process? or must everything be put on hold until he returns?
- I've read that the Indonesian courts look favorably at the husband in child custody issues,. Is this true?
- If the children remain with the mother, and financial support is sent, how does the courts keep track of this? How can someone be sure the monies that are sent are used for the support of the children and their education. This is a very big problem right now, monies that were to be used for education, were NOT paid to the schools. I suggested to send the money directly to the schools, is this possible?
- Since the family is Muslim, and I understand they will also need a Talaq? is this hard to get? is it expensive?
- how long does an ugly ugly divorce take? the reason I ask, Is to get the children," family visas" before the turn 18, the youngest is 12 now. I begged the wife, to come here as well, so the children could go to school here in the USA, but she refused and will NOT allow the children out of the country... At what age do the children have a voice. to express their wishes?
- What is this international child support law? i've never heard of it before? How does it work?
Z. Riza Pengasuh
actually if the father is a foregeiner , the child coustady should on his father just ask your atorny about this. You have to come to "Pengadilan Agama"
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